Thursday, July 31, 2008

The storm

On Wednesday afternoon we were finishing watching a dvd in our classroom when we heard over our speaker system that a storm was creating havoc in our area.

The storm was over large areas of New Zealand with serious flooding and gale force winds in different places.

In our immediate area trees were uprooted and branches dropping all over the roads and in the playground.

Our parents had to pick us up from the classroom and even then some people were blown off there feet!

When we got home many of us found that there was no power and that trees, trampoulines and fences had blown down or away. Houses in other parts of the city also lost their rooves and roads were blocked by trees and slips.

Today we looked at the damage around the area and took some pictures.

Suter Gallery visit ~ Arum exhibition

The storm

Mask Parade

See our World Environment Day posters

RockYou Widget